
-- C H A T --

20.09.2009 Disciples 3 - Pluses and Minuses

V podstate už sú známe takmer všetky detaily o hre, takže si už dnes môžme zhrnúť, čo prinesie nové i to, čo nakoniec v hre zo sľubovaných vecí neuvidíme:

Pluses and Minuses in D3


  1. 3D graphic
  2. movement at the arenas
  3. spells at the arenas
  4. runes
  5. skill system
  6. modify thiefs and land guardians
  7. arenas with bonus boxes
  8. arenas with barriers
  9. various weather
  10. various day fases
  11. respawn units in neutral buildings
  12. 3 sets of armour for heroes
  13. more parameters for heroes
  14. special abilities of units
  15. new defence system in battels with cover points
  16. capital stores
  17. underground arenas
  18. new story
  19. new heroes


  1. not battles on the ships!
  2. not creatures in the water!
  3. not city sieges with warmachines
  4. not more resources (wood, iron ...)
  5. guardians without summoned animals
  6. campaign videos only with flying artworks
  7. not underground maps
  8. not arenas with various elevations and shapes
  9. only 3 races
  10. few neutral units
  11. not map editor (maybe in addons or in some patch before addon)
  12. not map generator (maybe in addons)
  13. not multiplayer! (only in addons)
  14. not diplomacy! (only in addons)
  15. and maybe not single scenarious!



See also:
Fans suggestions: Silver City (Merfolks race)
Fans Suggestions: Other Races


The poll :

Main Sources:
official site.d3 fórumdat-media homepagedat-media forumAkella homepage

Release Date
Disciples III:

1. Expansion:

System Requirements:
P4 2 GHZ, 512 MB,
GF 6800GT 128 MB

Copyright: 2006-2010 GoF. Design:
Last update: 12.12.2010

Použité materiály sú prevzaté od spoločností:
.dat, Akella a ďaľších. Všetky práva vyhradené.

Used materials were taken from these companies:
.dat, Akella and others. All Rights Reserved.

Very thanks to
admin of czech
heroes-centrum for
free hosting

najväčšia stránka o sérii Heroes of Might and Magic!